On the way to the Kösslerhaus

Family is the place where people are fully accepted in a very special way with all their peculiarities, strengths and weaknesses.

On the way to the Kösslerhaus
It’s that time again today. I will be hiking with Karin and a few guests to the rustic Kösslerhaus. We have two families coming with us today, how lovely. I enjoy it most when we have children with us. I love making the trip because I can combine two of my passions – backing and singing.
’A family is rooted like a tree with many branches, leaves and flowers. Take good care of it and be rewarded by a bountiful harvest.’
Heidi Maria Artinger
I’ll tell you about the beginnings of the Hotel Edelweiss on the way. Back then, it was just a small guesthouse with 14 rooms, which my husband and I built up together. Our eleven children were a great help. What I learned from this is that as a family you are a tour de force and can do anything.

Insider tips

For the smallest community

On the way to the Kösslerhaus
On the way to the Kösslerhaus
Up to the alpine farm
Easy hikes are easily done. And a fresh, typical Grossarl snack awaits you at your destination. Yummy!
On the way to the Kösslerhaus
On the way to the Kösslerhaus
Wellness for the little ones
Using the elements for your well-being at an early age.
On the way to the Kösslerhaus
On the way to the Kösslerhaus
The world of slides is a whole lot of fun
A paradise on three floors full of slides, fun and action.
On the way to the Kösslerhaus
On the way to the Kösslerhaus
Top care for little toddlers
Kids have a ball with handicrafts and fun afternoon games with the friendly caregivers.
Be together and learn from each other
When we reach the traditional Kösslerhaus, my heart soars. We woke this magical place from its slumbers a few years ago. We start preparing the dough for the traditional doughnuts straightaway. The parents are longing to hear about the secret recipe, you can see what fun the children are having in kneading the dough.

‘Parents love for their children is the only love in the world that is quite unselfish.’
William Somerset Maugham

Later, Karin and I sing a Grossarler folk song as we take coffee and cake. Karin has a wonderful singing voice! Young and old are quite thrilled by the beautiful afternoon. I’ve always strived to getting to know my guests personally. Thanks to my favourite place, the Kösslerhaus, I’ve always managed to do it.
Being active with kids & kids wellness

Being active with kids & kids wellness

Adventurous through the world, relaxed in the wellness oasis

Here we go
Family holiday
Edelweiss Children’s World

Edelweiss Children’s World

Welcome to the paradise for little play friends and great explorers

Please come in!
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DAS EDELWEISS Salzburg Mountain Resort
Unterbergstrasse 65
 . 5611 Grossarl-
 .  +43 6414 3000
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EDELWEISS Berchtesgaden
One family two special places
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