Our guests enjoy the opportunity of taking a segway tour through the Grossarl valley in the Pongau
A Segway tour through the Grossarl valley
A Segway tour through the Grossarl valley

A Segway tour through the Grossarl valley

Be on the fast track

An electric scooter that’s got it all. You change your speed by shifting your body weight.

Get far quickly

A Segway is a great and special way to explore the Grossarltal. Have you ever tried the trend scooter? Then it’s high time! Wear sturdy shoes, put on a helmet and off you go.

The one-hour tour through the valley starts once a week directly in front of the hotel at the ‘Aktiv-Treffpunkt’ meeting place. You can register with us at the Edelweiss reception desk. The Segways are available for a fee from the sports shop Kendlbacher Sport 2000.

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DAS EDELWEISS Salzburg Mountain Resort
Unterbergstrasse 65
 . 5611 Grossarl-
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