Inquiries, photos & more
Here you can find all informations, images, and a selection of some magazines.
For more informations please contact our PR official as well as our press agency.
EDELWEISS press contact:
Karin Hettegger
Hotel Manager & Host
Press agency:
uschi liebl PR GmbH
Emil-Geis Street 1, 81379 Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49 89 724 02 92 - 0
Christin Neuwirth: cn@liebl-pr.de
For more informations please contact our PR official as well as our press agency.
EDELWEISS press contact:
Karin Hettegger
Hotel Manager & Host
Press agency:
uschi liebl PR GmbH
Emil-Geis Street 1, 81379 Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49 89 724 02 92 - 0
Christin Neuwirth: cn@liebl-pr.de

The EDELWEISS in the test
DAS EDELWEISS stands for cordiality, luxury and spatial experience.
This year alone, DAS EDELWEISS Salzburg Mountain Resort and its team could again win numerous awards.
This year alone, DAS EDELWEISS Salzburg Mountain Resort and its team could again win numerous awards.